Top Clever JavaScript Tricks E-book
JavaScript is one of the most used popular programming languages out there, it is imperative to know the best techniques for dealing with the language.
There are many ways to write a JavaScript function but which way is best?
This ebook contains top-notch JavaScript tricks and techniques used by professional developers, gathered from years of experience and hundreds of hours of research!
Learn the most practical ways to make your code easier to write and understand.
This ebook has been designed to teach you not just how to do things in new ways, but how to avoid mistakes so you can and that will make your development process more efficient.
Here the Insights! what you will find out in this book
1. Flattening Array
2. Remove The Duplicates In An Array
3. Convert To String
4. Typecast Strings To Numbers
5. String To A Number Using +
6. Convert To Boolean
7. Trim The Decimal Part
8. Use === Instead of ==
9. Sleep or Delay
10. Filter Falsy Values
11. Truncate An Array
12. Shuffle Array
13. Conditionally Setting A Variable
14. Dealing With Empty And Non-Empty Values
15. Compare Arrays In Seconds
16. Generate Random Items And Numbers
17. Comma Operator
18. Merging Multiple Objects
19. isInteger
20. Use Shortcuts for Conditionals
21. Use Console.table Instead of Console.log
22. Convert the Largest Integer Using the ~~
23. Use Filters with Arrays
24. Quick Powers
25. Quick Float to Integer
26. Optional Chaining (?.)
27. Nullish Coalescing, ?? Operator
28. Every and Some
29. Better Debugging
30. Check the Performance of Your Code
31. Resize or Empty an Array
32. Cache Values
33. Object Destructuring
34. Get Current Timestamp
35. Get The Last Item(s) In An Array
End of this book you gain a new perspective on the use of JavaScript in your next projects.
Any kind of question or need help regarding this e-book please contact us.
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An e-book of top javascript tricks for efficient programming!